Interested in Schutzhund?
This is Sully performing the "hold and bark" exercise in Schutzhund. Sully is our 5 yr old male. We got Sully at
16 months old and he was a real "wild child"! As of this update, he has his AKC CD (Companion Dog) title and his Schutzhund
BH ("traffic secure" companion dog title). We are currently working on his AKC CDX (Companion Dog Excellent) and his Schutzhund
I. He has also passed his Public Access Test to perform as a service dog.
Sully's full name is Firefly's Silly Sullivan
(that should have been telling!). He is a real clown with a great sense of humor!
Chace just joined the family mid-November
2001 as a little bundle fuzzface! He is a great dog and we are looking forward to showing him.
Chace's full name is
Seneca Sonoran Chace. The derivation of Chace's name is the middle-old English spelling of Chase, which means "hunter". Chase
is also the big tough border guard in the Terry Goodkind "Sword of Truth" series.